8/10 Calamari
Sometimes we just need to walk away from those illusions which make the world a better place but we must be adults and face the truth. If you had thought I spent hours each day planning the route then, alas, I must disburse you. Usually I get one end of the direction strand, move it on 3.6km and plonk it down. Alright, sometimes I wiggle it a bit if something of interest is nearby, but often we go by serendipity - and sometimes by major roads. Today, however, chance has taken us down a curious back way which, I have to be honest, I wouldn’t want to drive. We are heading down into Puentedeume Being where it is, people has lingered about. There were six hillforts in the commune; the Romans built a road; the Swabians built churches. The French were beastly in the Napoleonic Wars, the Carlists and anti-Carlists were ghastly to each other and bandits were less than kind. Currently half the populace work in the service sector, a quarter in industry and one in twenty are fishers and farmers. ...