Passing Pazo de Armuno

 It is another walk between the hamlets, sometimes of good roads, sometimes on rattling tracks. Very soon we will pass Pazo de Armuno. Manuel gives it five stars and declares it ‘It is a very nice mansion located in a beautiful environment’. Antonio only gives it one star because ‘How has no one made a boutique hotel yet!!!???’ I’m not really sure that is enough to so demean it.

This is a walk for those of you who appreciate how there are different ways to adapt and renew old buildings or just build your commuter dream. Next feature is the church of Dt John of Lubre. It has a facebook page. I have liked it. Patricicia says of it ‘Catholic temple built on top of an earlier temple from the 10th century, well preserved with a typical Galician cross’ Jose opines ‘From the 20th century, the sober and austere church was built on a previous temple. Well maintained.’

Just round the corner is O Regueiro. They make doors. They have a website, It gives you less access than the doors,.

With that we might as well just enjoy the view.


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