They raise sheep and cattle, hunt ducks and quails, partridges and rabbits, and fish for eels

The Ebro works around the valley and we continue on the straight road.  Cabanas de Ebro has spread to meet the road.  About 500 people live here. In the 19th century is was about half that number.  The Geographical-Statistical-Historical Dictionary of Spain says of the place.

CABINS: l. with town hall of the province, aud. terr., cg and diocese of Zaragoza (5 leg.), Jewish part. and rent adm. of Almunia (7): situated on a plain, mainly affected by the winds from the N.; it enjoys a healthy climate , the most common illnesses being intermittent. It has 100 houses and a town hall distributed in several streets; a primary school attended by 12 students and equipped with 22 bushels of wheat, the teacher having to serve as town hall secretary, and a church (San Ildefonso) attached to the parr. of Figueruelas: the residents get their drink from the waters of several fountains that spring up in the term. : which borders on the N. with that of Remolinos; on the E. with that of Figueruelas; by S. with that of Alcalá, and by W. with that of Alagon. The land is good and fertile; it is crossed by the Ebro river, which has a boat for its passage; although it is not fertilized with its waters, there are however irrigated lands that receive this benefit from those of the Jalon and the Aragon canal, by means of irrigation ditches that lead them from the terms of the nearby towns; on the N. side there are mountains populated with rosemary and in them pasture herbs are grown: it lacks trees and only has some olive groves. Roads : the term crosses the one that leads from Zaragoza to Navarra; the others are local and are all in poor condition. Post offices : they are received from the administration of the v. of Alagon without having a fixed day of entry or exit. Prod.: wheat, barley, oil, beans and other vegetables and legumes; They raise sheep and cattle, hunt ducks and quails, partridges and rabbits, and fish for eels, barbels and madrillas. They do not carry out any kind of industry and their trade is limited to the exportation of some of their products and the importation or exchange of the articles that are defective.

The town has a station, albeit a station in the style of some platforms mode.  Reviewers are sparse in numbers and sparing in works. One four, one three stars and no verbiage.

I must confess to loving travel by train in Spain.  When we first visited the family were surprised we took the slower train rather than the coach.  Apart from the lack of space, not having full volume TV and  the fag smoke; the trains just swept through the countryside and gave the most splendid views.

 We will continue parallel to the railway tomorrow.


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