A different rooster would crow

 We are pottering along at 91m but will be a mere two by the day’s end.   We are heading for San Vicente de la Barquera. It is one of those places, on a hostile coast, which provided a safer shelter.  As a consequence it got a castle.

The place did the usual having Bronze Age chaps loafing about. The Romans made a small port.  It really got going when Alfonso I sent peoples to populate it in the 8th century. The castle was built, the town followed.  Things really got going in 1210 when Alfonso VIII gave the place a charter.  It got the same privileges as San Sebastian. Castro Urdiales, Santander and Laredo.  Along with Laredo, it has not prospered as much.  Fate was not kind.  From the mid 15th century, fires and plagues did not help.  When Charles I visited the town a bullfight was held in his honour.  He fell it at it and had to spend the night at the Convent of San Luis.  The town has a website.  https://aytosanvicentedelabarquera.es/ 

Now, we all like a connection, and an unexpected one at that.  Antonio del Corro was a member of the Spanish Inquisition.  He was born in San Vinny’s in 1472.  He became a canon in the Cathedral of Seville.  Later, he travelled in France, Netherlands and England.  He has a nice marble carving in the church.  

Of even more fun - he had a relative, also called Antonio del Corro. This one is the most splendid of argumentative coves.  He was born in Seville in 1527.  He became a monk.  He then became moved by the ideas of Luther. In 1557 he left Spain ahead of an expected visit from the Inquisition.  He went to Switzerland and argued with Calvin   He then left for France. The he went to Antwerp where he upset people and moved to England in1567.  Here he moved away from Calvin ,and became a bit of a controversialist.  He went to Oxford but was blocked as a Doctor of Divinity because he upset John Rainolds. He died in London in 1591.


Well, we are crossing the Brazo Mayor, passed the castle [13th century, https://www.turismocantabria.es/es/que-ver-en-castillo-del-rey/10]  Montyjanpjavier seems to have been whelmed by the experience.  ‘’The Castle, from the outside, is deceptive, since it is larger than it appears when passing through its walls. We loved the views from every corner... and we would have taken advantage of the ridiculous €2 that is charged for entry, which seems to us Perfect, if one of the employees had let us see the video projected inside.

We asked at the entrance, around 7:15 in the afternoon, if we had time to see everything, they answered affirmatively... and at 7:40, we looked at the clock, sitting and ready to enjoy the "movie". .. the "guy" arrived and flatly and with a bad face told us that he didn't have time for another pass. The same girl at the box office confirmed the duration...ONLY 15 MIN!!

Conclusion: We were left without seeing it because it came out of the "cataplines", because there was time.It is obvious that he is an official of the City Council...if his salary depended on visitors and their opinions, a different rooster would crow. By the way: San Vicente is SPECTACULAR.

Lets end in a restaurant.  Las Redes gets 4,5 stars from almost 1500 reviews.  Google sums it up with ‘Stylish, maritime-themed venture for lobster rice dishes, tuna tartare & squid with select wines.’  Two days ago Mireia said ‘Excellent food and 10 service. The grilled razor clams and tiramisu are highly recommended but I would recommend any dish. Very correct portions. You pay as you like.’  I think we will stay.


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