I recommend this store in Russian

We are heading into Navia.  In early August the Asturians do what seems to come naturally and dash down the river in a race.  Rivers seem to have been invented so Asturians can race down them.  We will pass one of the tidal marshes and cross the river and into the town.

Navia exists as one of those small ports which crowd round river estuaries in northern Spain. It is the lowest bridging point for road and rail. The road sweeps into town and then hits a small roundabout which lets us head back north.  We will pass a Sideria. We will have more on cider later but the Sideria Antolin has 4.1 stars from 2000+ reviews.    Two weeks ago Alekse gave the best of possible reviews ‘The coffee is good, the tortilla portion is tasty and affordable price-wise. The bathrooms are clean.’  What more could you want.

Navia is one of those places that is small enough to get a hold on but large enough to have bits to discover.  We are not really going into town. Like so many Asturian towns the houses are crammed into the available space. Modern developments begin to crawl up the hillsides.  The Astilleros Amon is a shipyard and as we haven’t been to one for a while lets pop in.  https://www.astillerosarmon.com/  The reviews tend to be without comment  except for Ezquiel who says ‘Pay attention to the 5T restriction, if you arrive unannounced, it's better to go via Lv-2 which doesn't have a camera, the best service in Europe, everyone is very friendly.’

Next we will cross the road.  Here we come to the Famila supermarket.  I love Spanish supermarkets. It is the familiar and the strange and the slightly off kilter and of course no human interaction is needed to gaze at the wonders of tins of beans and several types of UHT milk.  10 months ago Strong VB [that is a name with a story, albeit maybe some issues] said it all ‘A large grocery supermarket where you will find all the necessary food products, from fresh vegetables, fish, meat to canned foods, quick breakfasts such as oatmeal, etc. The store staff is friendly and sociable, they work quickly and smoothly, and the cash registers are efficient. In addition to food, there are household goods, washing powders, dishwashing detergent, and hygiene products. When visiting stores there are always quite a lot of customers, which in my opinion is a good characteristic for a store, i.e. it inspires confidence among customers, but regardless of the number of customers, there is no need to stand in line. I recommend the store to everyone.’  Strong, as they may be known to their chums, wrote in Russian.

Apar from the joys of the aisles they have a cafe. It was maintained by a staff of friendly souls who served menu del dia which you could eat while overlooking the street or shop.  We went twice - and a third time en route from Santiago to Colunga.  They are currently offering walnuts at 70& off/  https://familiaonline.es/ 

We will continue down the NV-1 [Navia community road 1.]    We will pass the local football park.  Hugo had mixed feeling ‘Pardo 1 is a very good field, I played cadet against Navia and we won but Pardo 2 is where they train and it's a mess, you can hardly see the grass. It needs an urgent repair. If it can be synthetic, much better, try the kids who come out all muddy. The legs and clothes are not recommended, they also have the brown F-8 next to them, which is like 7-a-side football, where they play the football, which is like the navia made of artificial grass, very good, I saw my brother play and I wore a lot of veil.’

We will end at the beach.  Asturias has many long, beguiling and family friendly sandstrips. This isn't’;t one of them.  Tucked in between the river wall and the sea, the beach is sandy but shelves steepy. The tides make it a bit more likely to be flying red flags than others I have been on.  A couple of bars exist.  Bar and Disc Romeolas   It only gets 2.9 stars - which, from 47 reviews is remarkable. I am remarking on it.   Gabriele really liked it two weeks ago.  ‘I never ate there, but the bar always has music from the 80s/90s and I really like being there. The owner is always very friendly.’   Arthur was les sappy 10 months ago.   ‘Scam… super expensive… no prices on the menus… avoid..

14€ per pizza 🍕 ordinary and small

€1.30 for a very stiff, foul and burnt coffee

€2 for the cheapest beer in the supermarket.

Funny bar from the 1980s... not very clean.  Avoid if possible…’

The other reviews were more pithy.

Well, lets stay awhile and watch the sunset.


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