A Dam Find Show

 We have been remiss in the number of cabinet shops we have visited. Let us put that to rights, nip off the road and visit the Carpinteria Santiago Benito e Hijos.  It opens from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm on weekdays.  15 people have rallied around to review it and it gets 4.9 stars. Most reviews are of the strong but silent type.  Good Man is more forthcoming ‘Uploaded to the highest standard, pleasant treatment, everything is super)))’

Beyond that enjoy the views. We can see the River Navia below us so we might consider it at this moment.  The river drains an area of over 2500km2 and flows for 159km averaging 62.85m3/s.    We are very near to the Presa de Arbon hydroelectric plant.  https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embalse_de_Arb%C3%B3n  It was built in 1967 and generates 28mw.  

Tomorrow - a settlement.


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