I love rock and.... more rocks.
Ok, so I got confused. Mondonedo is tomorrow, not today. I have actually down this road and it was a windy, treery and rocky as it appears. At some point we leave San Vincente. I am not sure when we entered it.
Let’s Rock! Iberian style. We are on the border of the Canatabrian zone and the Central Iberian zone - which is mostly in central Iberia but has decided to reach out and have a dip in the Bay of Biscay.
The Central Iberian Zone covers the middle part of the west side of the peninsula, including north and central Portugal. The top north west corner has been replaced with the Galicia-Tras-Os-Montes Zone. The constituent rocks are metamorphosed sediments.
The oldest rocks are Proterozoic, metamorphosed sediments. They have been deformed by the Cadomian Orogeny. There are volcanics and further sediments from the end of the Ediacaran and Cambrian periods. The Cantabrian Zone consists of Carboniferous and older Paleozoic unmetamorphosed rocks.
I hope that makes things clear.
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