Small talk and small hamlets

We are on another day of tiny hamlets. What makes this different is we leave the main road and follow a way which sometime squeezes between two halves of a farm and so get a decent amount of views, uninterrupted by business opportunities.

There is a business for us to go passed. The ‘Rural o Urbano’ is a women owned LGBTQ+ friendly e-commerce centre. Among the many things they have to offer is a esparto burrito head for 24 euros, a wooden magic wand for 7.25 and a Vineyard arma soy candle for 15 euros. Tudor fans might want a copy of ‘Maria Pita and the Pirate’. A brave story of how the plucky lass from A Courna who saw off the foul English in 1589.

We’ve got sometime. Lets talk Galician. About 2.4 million people have some sort of competence in it. Mostly this is within Galicia and its border zones. Migrants have also taken it to Latin and North America. Modern Galician is the love child of Galician-Portuguese, the grandling of West Iberian and so on back through Romance and Latin. The split with Portuguese seems to have been in the 13th century.

Galician seems to have taken a bit of a hit amongst the younger. In 2003 43% of people said they always spoke it. In 2018 that was reduced to 30% The Under 45s seem more often to speak Spanish,. Unsurprisingly the urban areas are least likely to have sole Galiaician speakers.



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