A different rooster would crow
We are pottering along at 91m but will be a mere two by the day’s end. We are heading for San Vicente de la Barquera. It is one of those places, on a hostile coast, which provided a safer shelter. As a consequence it got a castle. The place did the usual having Bronze Age chaps loafing about. The Romans made a small port. It really got going when Alfonso I sent peoples to populate it in the 8th century. The castle was built, the town followed. Things really got going in 1210 when Alfonso VIII gave the place a charter. It got the same privileges as San Sebastian. Castro Urdiales, Santander and Laredo. Along with Laredo, it has not prospered as much. Fate was not kind. From the mid 15th century, fires and plagues did not help. When Charles I visited the town a bullfight was held in his honour. He fell it at it and had to spend the night at the Convent of San Luis. The town has a website. https://aytosanvicente...