Roll a d6 for wandering tourists
From the photos and the map it may not seem we have done a lot but in fact we have gone up 300m. We passed a viewpoint, Mirador Valderrama. Be the first person to review it. I must admit I do rather like this uncompromising landscape. Are we going to go subtle with softly fading features, no. Nature went, this will be a valley. We will put it so it is clear. Steep slopes here. Flattish fields here. It feels very early Computer game generated - or maybe D&D where the DM wanted a valley away from the castle but couldn’t be bothered with what happened either side the route the party would tale out of town. That's it, so let's have a bit more on Frias. I have found it frustrating that there is not a single, concise History. It tends to get a bit vague. Everyone starts of well, mentions it being the smallest city in Spain and then get distracted. It does have a Jewish quarter. Mentions of Jewish inhabi...